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Incidence of Post-operative Respiratory Complications in COVID-19 Positive Pediatric Patients across 20 United States Hospitals. American Pediatric Surgical Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, May 2022.


​Authors: Reiter AJ, Ingram ME, Raval MV, Garcia E, Hill M, Aranda A, Chandler N, Gonzalez R, Born K, Lamoshi A, Fitzpatrick C, Han XY, Fialkowski E, Spencer B, Kulaylat AN, Barde A, Shah AN, Adoumie M, Gross E, Mehl S, Lopez M, Polcz V, Mustafa MM, Simon R, Gander J, Sullivan TM, Sulkowski JP, Ghani O, Huang EY, Rothstein D, Duran Y, Peter SS, Fisher JC, Levey-Lambert D, Reichl A, Ignacio RC, Slater B, Tsao KJ,  Berman L.

Management of Pediatric Appendicitis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Nationwide Multicenter Cohort Study. The Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons Annual Meeting, Virtual, November 16, 2021.


​Authors: Hegde B, Garcia E, Hu A, Raval M, Takirambudde S, Wakeman D, Lewit R, Gosain A, Parrado RH, Cina RA, Stephenson K, Dassinger MS, Zhang D, Mustafa M, Koo D, Lipskar AM, Scheidler K, Van Arendonk KJ, Berg P, Gonzalez R, Scheese D, Haynes J, Mina A, Zamora I, Lopez ME, Mehl SC, Gilliam E, Lofberg K, Spencer B, Kulaylat AN, Gulack BC, Johnson M, Laskovy M, Brahmamdam P, Shimomura A, Blanch T, Tsao KJ, Slater BJ. 

Association of Surgery Delay Related to SARS-CoV-2 with Complications Among Pediatric Patients with Inguinal Hernia. American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress Annual Meeting, Virtual, October 24, 2021.


​Authors: Hu A, Reiter A, Gerardo R, Skertich N, Lewit R, Ghani M, Witte A, Kang H, Richards H, Perry B, Tian Y, Mehl SC, Gonzalez A, Novotny N, Haynes J, Aranda A, Zamora IJ, Rhee D, Fialkowski E, Slater BJ, Van Arendonk K, Gosain A, Lopez ME, Raval MV

Effect of Cryoanalgesia on Postoperative Opioid Utilization in Minimally Invasive Pectus Excavatum Repair. American Pediatric Surgical Association Annual Meeting, Virtual, May 2020.


​Authors: Arshad SA, Ferguson DM, Garcia EI, Hebballi NB, Buchanan A, Tsao K. 

Provider Education Leads to Sustainable Reduction in Opioid Prescribing After Umbilical Hernia Repair. 15th Annual Academic Surgical Congress, Orlando, FL, February 2020.


​Authors: Corvin C, Slater B, Heiss K, Vandewalle R, Shah SR, Cunningham M, Huang EY, Lipskar AM, Denning N, Dassinger M, Cina RA, Rothstein DH, Kauffman J, Gonzalez R, Raval MV.

Opioid Prescribing Practices in Pediatric Surgeons: Changing in Response to the Opioid Epidemic? 14th Annual academic surgical Congress, Houston, TX, February 2019.


​Authors: Anderson KT, Bartz-Kurycki MA, Ferguson DM, Raval M, Wakeman D, Rothstein D, Huang E, Lally KP, Tsao K.

Cholecystectomy for Biliary Dyskinesia in Pediatric Patients: Patient Characteristics and Post-Operative Outcomes of a Multi-Institutional Cohort. American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, November 2018.


​Authors: Cairo SB, Aranda A, Bartz-Kurycki MA, Battaglia J, Baxter KJ, Bonasso P, Dassinger M, Emengo P, Gayer C, Huang E, Jancelewicz T, Lally KP, Landman M, Lesher A, Minneci P, Raval M, Russell R, Shah SR, St. Peter S, Sujka JA, Rothstein DH. PMID 30885555

Perinatal management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH): variability in clinical practice guidelines. Academic Surgical Congress, Jacksonville, FL, January 2018.


Authors: Jancelewicz T, Brindle ME, Lally PA, Lally KP, Harting MT, for the CDH Study Group (CDHSG) and the Pediatric Surgery Research Collaborative (PedSRC). PMID 31226462

Towards consensus in the management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH): an overview of North American clinical practice guidelines. CDH International Workshop Symposium, Liverpool, UK, November 2017.


Authors: Harting MT, Jancelewicz T, Brindle ME, Lally PA, Lally KP, for the CDH Study Group (CDHSG) and the Pediatric Surgery Research Collaborative (PedSRC). PMID 31226462

Mechanical ventilation in congenital diaphragmatic hernia – can we agree on anything? American Academy of Pediatrics - Section on Surgery National Conference, Chicago, IL, September 2017. 


Authors: Jancelewicz T, Brindle ME, Lally PA, Lally KP, Harting MT, for the CDH Study Group (CDHSG) and the Pediatric Surgery Research Collaborative (PedSRC). PMID: 31226462

Characteristics and Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Admission in Pediatric Blunt Abdominal Trauma. Society of Critical Care Medicine 46th Critical Care Congress, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 2017.


Authors: Vogel AM, Russell RT, Dassinger S, Blakely ML, Santore M, Tsao K, Huang E, Streck CJ.

Identifying Children at Very Low Risk of Blunt Intra-Abdominal Injury in Whom Computed Tomography of the Abdomen Can Safely Be Avoided. Southern Surgical Association 128th Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, December 2016.


Authors: Streck CJ, Blakely ML, Huang EY, Vogel AM, Santore MT, Tsao K, Falcone R, Dassinger MS, Haynes J, Russell R, Naik-Mathuria BJ, St. Peter SD, Mooney D, Upperman J. PMID: 28130170

A Prospective Multicenter Evaluation of Acute Procedural Interventions in Pediatric Blunt Abdominal Trauma: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. Pediatric Trauma Society 3rd Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2016.


Authors: Streck CJ, Arbra C, Mauldin P, Zhang J, Huang EY, Savoie K, Santore M, Tsao K, Ostovarkermani T, Falcone R, Dassinger MS, Recicar J, Haynes J, Blakely M, Russell R, Naik-Mathuri B, St. Peter S, Mooney D, Onwubiko C, Upperman J, Golden J, Vogel A. PMID: 28930954

Prospective Evaluation of Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma (FAST) in Children Following Blunt Abdominal Trauma. Pediatric Trauma Society 3rd Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN, November 2016.


Authors: Streck CJ, Calder B, Vogel AM, Huang EY, Savoie KB, Santore MT, Tsao K, Ostovarkermani T, Falcone R, Moody S, Dassinger MS, Recicar J, Haynes J, Blakely ML, Russell R, Naik-Mathuria BJ, St. Peter SD, Mooney D, Onwubiko C, Upperman J, Zagory J, Zhang J, Mauldin P. PMID: 28590347

Multi-center prospective validation of the Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) clinical prediction rule to identify children at very low risk for intra-abdominal injury receiving acute intervention. American Academy of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition Surgical Section, San Francisco, CA, October 2016.


Authors: Calder B, Huang EY, Vogel AM, Santore MT, Tsao K, Falcone R, Dassinger MS, Russell R, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Haynes J, St. Peter SD, Mooney D, Onwubiko C, Upperman J, Mauldin P, Blakely ML, Streck CJ.

Real-time ultrasound for central venous catheter placement in children: A multi-institutional study. Academic Surgical Congress, Jacksonville, FL, February 2016.


Authors: Gurien LA, Russell RT, Kim J, Speck KE, Calder BW, Rogers AP, Vogel AM, DeUgarte DA, Savoie KB, St. Peter SD, Parrish DW, Rothstein DH, Renaud EJ, Jen HC, Tang X, Dassinger MS. PMID: 27460931

Surgical Wound Classification Improves But Remains Unreliable Despite Multifaceted Interventions. American Pediatric Surgical Association 46th Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 2015.


Authors: Putnam LR, Levy SM, Blakely MB, Lally KP, Wyrick DL, Dassinger MS, Russell R, Huang EY, Vogel AW, Streck CJ, Kawaguchi A, and Tsao K., for the Pediatric Surgical Research Collaborative.

Surgical Wound Misclassification: A Multicenter Evaluation. American Pediatric Surgical Association 45th Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, May 2014.


Authors: Levy SM, Lally KP, Blakely MB, Duggan E, Kawaguchi A, Lopez M, Streck CJ, Vogel AW, Calkins C, Dassinger MS, Rusessll R, St.Peter SD, and Tsao K., for the Pediatric Surgical Research Collaborative.

Improving gastroschisis outcomes: Does birth place matter? Pacific Association of Pediatric Surgeons’ 47th Annual Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 2014.


Authors: Savoie KB, Huang EY, Aziz SK, Blakely ML, Dassinger MS, Dorale AR, Duggan EM, Harting MT , Markel TA, Moore-Olufemi SD, Shah SR, St. Peter SD, Tsao K, Wyrick DL, and Williams RF, for the Pediatric Surgery Research Collaborative. PMID: 25487481

Adherence to CONSORT statement guidelines of published surgical randomized trials in children. American College of Surgeons Annual Clinical Congress, Owen H. Wangensteen Surgical Forum, Chicago, IL, October 2012.


Authors: Tsai AY, Kao LS, Tsao KJ, Huang EY, Younas S, Tanaka ST, Lu Z, Lally KP, Blakely ML.

A critical appraisal of published randomized trials within pediatric general surgery during the time period 2000 – 2009. American Pediatric Surgical Association 42nd Annual Meeting, Palm Desert, CA, May 2011. 


Authors: Blakely ML, Kao L, Seetharamaiah R, Tsao KJ, Huang EY, Lally KP. PMID: 23969114 


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